3 minute read

August 15th. Here we and in Canada!!! I am fascinated by this country! Here it is delightful! Mountains so prerasny. With impatience I wait, when I shall see their covered by a snow.

October 14th. Canada! This most wonderful place on the ground! Leaves on trees have turned yellow and have got all shades of a spectrum, from red up to orange. Yesterday has made a fascinating trip for city, in a countryside. You will not believe! Saw wild deers! On will, they so are beautiful and graceful. Really it is the most charming animals on a planet. Well simply pretty girls! No, here really paradise!

November 11th. The season of hunting for deers soon opens. It is awful! I can not present myself, that at whom that can rise a hand on this lovely, harmless creation. Any day we expect a snow. Here it is pleasant to me!

December 2th. At last that! The snow This night has dropped out. HURRAH!!! Having woken up to morning, we have found out a charming picture behind a window. All is covered by a snow-white, fluffy coverlet. A kind, as on a surprising christmas card! I am admired! We with the wife have joyfully run out from the house, and quickly cleared a porch and a parking before the house, we with a laughter began to throw snowballs. (I have won). Suddenly the snowplow has driven by us, having filled up all parking a snow. But it I have not upset us, and throw a snow back. As here it is good! I like Canada!

December 12th. The snow this night has again dropped out. The snowplow has repeated the trick and has filled up a parking.

December 19th. Again there was a snow at this night. I and could not clear a parking and leave on job. Here it is certainly magnificent, but I have already grown weak, constantly clearing a parking from a snow. An idiotic snowplow!

December 22th. Again this at night fell white frost! I have earned bloody blisters on hand and a constant back pain, from infinite cleaning a snow. Such impression, that this woodpecker on a snowplow is hidden behind an angle and only and waits when I clean a snow from a parking. * PA!!!

December 25th. Merry Christmas! Again this snow!!! If only to reach that throat * kina the son, which on a snowplow. I swear, would strangle * yes!!! And then, why urban services not scatter salt on ice-covered roads? Yesterday went and it was not killed nearly.

December 27th. At night has again dropped out white snow!!! The Third day I sit at home, except for sorties for clearing a parking after a snowplow. I can not get out anywhere. The machine has disappeared under mountain of this white snow! And as it is brutally cold! The dude from a bureau of forecasts promises 20 more centimeters white snow this night. The GOAT!!! And you know, how much shovels of a snow it will make of 20 centimeters???

December 28th. This m@*n from a bureau of forecasts was mistaken! 50 centimeters have dropped out. Similar, this… the snow will not melt till the summer. The snowplow has got stuck near our house, and this *dak the driver has come running to us with the request to borrow a shovel. I have told to him, that have broken six shovels, throwing back that white *rmo with which he filled up our parking, and now I shall break the seventh about his mutton head.

January 4th. Today at last we were able to get out from the house!!! Has gone to shop to buy food. And here, on a return way this cattle - a deer and brakes hoofs all car front takes off on road. Injury on three thousand dollars!!! Well why hunters not kills these * skud in November? These deers everywhere and everywhere. That them would break off!

May 3th. Has brought the car to a workshop. You will not believe, but this cart has had time to rust at all, from salt which goats from urban services strewed on roads.

May 10th. All! I leave for Florida. I can not present myself, that somebody, being in sensible mind, will wish to live in this Canada!
